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金鸡报晓去, 瑞犬迎新来。值此2018新春佳节来临之际,惠诺德向过去一年来关心支持公司发展的各位领导、客户、业界同仁、国际友人、合作伙伴、供应商、以及全体员工表示衷心感谢,在此送出衷心的新春祝福,祝大家狗年旺旺,旺(万)事如意,旺(万)事顺心!
As the Chinese lunar new year  draws closer, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our clients,business partners, suppliers, colleagues, government leaders and international friends, for your great support in the development of RESPECT in the past year.We wish you a happy Chinese lunar new year and a year of health, happiness and prosperity!
公司代表中国,经数年在国际社会的不懈努力,至今已影响二十余个国家共同推选中国牵头在国际标准化组织(ISO)设立实验室设计技术委员会(Laboratory Design TC)。仅仅在5年前,中国实验室建设领域还是逢谈必提欧美标准、欧美技术、欧美先进实验室,在中国实验室设计、建设、装备整体落后、缺乏标准体系的情况下,公司突破性地领先欧美做出了中国自有的国家标准体系,突破性地在ISO申请设立新技术工作领域,填补了ISO空白,站到了实验室建设全球技术的制高点,为全球实验室建设服务。公司专家团队收到多个国家邀请,出国进行实验室设计与建设标准和技术培训,实现了中国在实验室建设领域由标准输入到标准输出的转变!公司在没有国家大的支持的情况下,使中国在实验室建设领域站到了世界技术制高点,不仅做到了道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信,还做到了技术自信!
2017 for RESPECT is a year of gearing up for breakthroughs and leap-forwardDevelopment. Having won the bids of a few new projects and completed the R&D of smart lab app designed to realize an intelligent management of laboratories, our business has continued to grow in quantity and quality. In the past year, we completed the construction of a fully flexible laboratory incorporating the state-of-the-art design concept and advanced internet technologies incl. AI, big data, etc., which represents the development direction of international laboratories of the next generation.
Meanwhile, we have made innovation in company management,by setting up a business development department with incentive mechanism inplace. It has proved to be very effective in motivating employees to improve business skills and services provided to clients. The stock option incentive plan adopted by the company continued to play a significant role in inspiring working enthusiasm and teamwork spirit among staff.
To add to the four national standards in inspection and testing laboratory design and construction we previously drafted as co-author, this year we completed the formulation of a fifth national standard named Technical Requirements of Design and Construction for Inspection and Testing Laboratory - Acceptance Specification, which is scheduled to be released in early 2018. To be in line with Made in China 2025 Initiative and the national strategy to improve the quality of products in all spheres, we joined China Testing and Inspection Innovation Alliance, which was established with the aim to regulate the testing and inspection industry in China in order to ensure and help improve products quality, and we were honorably entrusted with the establishment of Technical Evaluation Standards for Mutual Acceptance of Laboratory Data. Furthermore, our step in making standards in regards to laboratory design and construction went beyond to the international arena. Over the years, we have made efforts in prompting the set-up of a technical committee under ISO for laboratory design, last year,the official application procedure to set up the TC was kick-started domestically. As a standard-setter and one of the most professional companies in laboratory design and construction, we received invitations from outside of China for giving training in this area. To some extent, we have helped China to realize the transition from import of standards to export of standards in terms of laboratory design and construction.
To summarize the year of 2017, we have managed to achieve innovation in management, technology and standard-setting. In thecoming year, we will adhere to our company value, which puts first the value we create for clients first. We believe that the company will grow bigger and lastlonger as long as we make bigger and continuous contribution to our clients and the society. 

Commencement of construction on National Key Testing Laboratory for Tea and Agricultural Product 

Commencement of construction on Tiantan Hospital Project 

The Company participated in the 2017 Guangzhou International Inspection and Quarantine Forum organized by China Society of Inspection and Quarantine, Guangzhou Municipal Government and Xihua Net, during which government leaders gave full credit to the company in regards to its sound development and innovative technology research. 

Commencement of construction on Criminal Technology Center Laboratoryof Shandong Linyi Public Security Bureau

Award of bidding on Nanjing Food and Drug Administration Laboratory Project 

Technical Requirements of Design and Construction for Inspection and Testing Laboratory - Acceptance Specification drafted by the Company completed the preliminary review

Preparation Meeting of Laboratory Special Committee of China Society of Inspection and Quarantine was held in Beijing

Acceptance of Dalian Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Testing Center Project was completed

公司总经理出席第九届中国第三方检测实验室发展论坛并发表主题演讲 The Company General Manager attended the 9th Third-party Testing Laboratory Development Forum and Exhibition and gave a keynote speech

The Company General Manager led a delegation to attend theInternational Laboratory Design Conference in Madrid and discussed international laboratory standards setting with foreign experts

Award of bidding on the Laboratory weak Current Project of Shandong Exit-entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

Technical Requirements of Design and Construction for Inspection and Testing Laboratory - Acceptance Specification drafted by the Company completed the final review, scheduled to be released inearly 2018.

公司管理、内控和运营按照上市公司要求,开始更加规范地进行 The company management, internal cost control and operation was adjusted accordingto the IPO requirements.

The company received an invitation to provide training of laboratory design standards and methods in Latin America,article reposted by other media.

China Testing and Inspection Innovation Alliance was established, in which the company general manager was elected as vice secretary general and the company was entrusted with the laboratory evaluation work.

The application procedure to establish Laboratory Technical Committee under ISO was kick-started domestically.

Acceptance of Tiantan Hospital project was completed